NSF Postdoctoral Research
A set of C++ code developed by Andrew E. Slaughter

A test function for testing the HeatEq class.

A 2-D FEM solution to the following equation on the domain from 0 to 1 in both the x and y directions.

\[ 1 + \exp(-t) * \sin(\pi x) \sin(\pi y) \]

// Standard includes  
#include <stdio.h>

// Include my fem and common libraries
#include "fem/include.h"
using namespace SlaughterFEM;

#include "common/include.h"
using namespace SlaughterCommon;

#include <vtk_io.h>
#include <exodusII_io.h>

// Bring in everything from the libMesh namespace
using namespace libMesh;

// C++ Includes
#include <math.h>
#include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>

// This is the exact solution, it is also used for defining boundary
// contidions and the initial condition 
Number exact_solution (const Point& p, const Real t){
   const double pi = boost::math::constants::pi<double>();  
   return 1 + exp(-t) * sin(pi*p(0)) * sin(pi*p(1));

void exact_solution_vec(DenseVector<Number>& output, const Point& p, const Real t){
   const double pi = boost::math::constants::pi<double>();  
   output(0) = 1 + exp(-t) * sin(pi*p(0)) * sin(pi*p(1));

// Wrapper function for exact solution, used for initilization        
Number initial_function(const Point& p, const Parameters& parameters, const std::string&, const std::string&){
    return exact_solution(p, 0.0);

// Wrapper function for boundary function
void boundary_function(DenseVector<Number>& output, const Point& p, const Real t){
   output(0) = exact_solution(p, t);

// Begin main function
int main (int argc, char** argv){
   // Add command-line options
   UserOptions opt("Program options");
   opt.add_flag("help","List the available options");
   opt.add_option<int>("nx",10, "Number of elements in x direction");
   opt.add_option<int>("ny",10, "Number of elements in y direction");
   opt.add_option<int>("num-steps,N", 100, "Number of time steps");
   opt.add_option<double>("t-step,t", 0.01, "Time step (sec.)");
   opt.add_option<double>("t-start", 0, "Start time (sec.)");
   opt.apply_options(argc, argv);

   // Collect a few options
   int nx = opt.get<int>("nx");
   int ny = opt.get<int>("ny");
   int N  = opt.get<int>("num-steps");
   double dt = opt.get<double>("t-step");
   double tstart = opt.get<double>("t-start");
   // Debug version (libmesh debug build doesn't like boost::program_options)
   int nx = 10;
   int ny = 10;
   int N  = 100;
   double dt = 0.01;
   double tstart = 0;

    // Initialize libraries
    LibMeshInit init (argc, argv);
    // Create a mesh 
    MyMesh mesh;
   MeshTools::Generation::build_square(mesh, nx, ny, 0., 1., 0., 1., QUAD8);

    // Create a HeatEq object
    EquationSystems eq_sys(mesh); 
    HeatEq eqObj(eq_sys, SECOND);

   // Assign an initilization function

   // Define a parameters for this problem
   const double pi = boost::math::constants::pi<double>();  
    eqObj.set_constant<Real>("k", 1 / (2 * pi * pi));
    // Add boundary IDs 
    mesh.add_boundary_id(0); // all boundaries

    // Dirichlet Boundary uusing the standard function pointer
   boost::shared_ptr<HeatEqBoundaryDirichlet> pBC0_func = eqObj.add_boundary<HeatEqBoundaryDirichlet>(0);
   pBC0_func->fptr = boundary_function;

   // Dirichlet Boundary using boost::function
   //boost::shared_ptr<HeatEqBoundaryDirichlet> pBC0 = eqObj.add_boundary<HeatEqBoundaryDirichlet>(1);
   //pBC0->T_constant = 1;
   // Method of initializing with a boost::function (overrides above)
   boost::function<void (DenseVector<Number>& output, const Point&, const Real)> init_ptr;
   init_ptr = exact_solution_vec;

   // Initialize the equation system
   double time = tstart;
   // Define a general filename
    FileParts outfile("../data/fem/examples/output/example1.ex2");
    // Export the initial mesh
   ExodusII_IO(mesh).write_equation_systems(outfile.add_tstep(0,3,"_"), eq_sys);

   // Loop through time
   for (int t_step = 0; t_step < N; t_step++){
      // Incremenet the time counter, set the time and the
      // time step size as parameters in the EquationSystem.
      time += dt;
      // Display a progress message
      printf("time = %f; step %d of %d\n", time, t_step, N);

      // Update the old solution vector
      eqObj.update_solution(time, dt);
      // Assemble and solve the linear system
      // Output evey 10 timesteps to file.
      if ( (t_step+1)%10 == 0){
         std::string out = outfile.add_tstep(t_step+1,3,"_");
         ExodusII_IO(mesh).write_equation_systems(out, eq_sys);

   // All done. 
   return 0;

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