NSF Postdoctoral Research
A set of C++ code developed by Andrew E. Slaughter
include/common/include.h | General include file for the common library |
include/common/file_parts/file_parts.h | Header file for FileParts class source code |
include/common/user_options/user_options.h | Header file for UserOptions class, with source file UserOptions.cpp |
include/fem/include.h | General include file for the fem library |
include/fem/common/eq_base.h | A base class for my EquationSystem wrappers |
include/fem/common/eq_boundary_base.h | A base class for my boundary condition class |
include/fem/common/eq_core.h | A core class for my basic behavior for my class wrappers |
include/fem/common/eq_data_base.h | Header file for EqDataBase class |
include/fem/common/eq_variable_linker.h | Header file for a class for adding linking system variables |
include/fem/common/my_mesh.h | Header file for MyMesh.cpp |
include/fem/heat_eq/heat_eq.h | Header file for HeatEq class |
include/fem/heat_eq/heat_eq_boundary.h | Header file for Heat_eq_boundary classes |
include/fem/volume_average/energy_eq.h | Header file for the volume averaging EnergyEq class |
include/fem/volume_average/eq_data.h | Header file for the EqData class |
include/fem/volume_average/momentum_eq.h | Header file for the volume averaging MomentumEq class |
include/vol2mesh/Complex_3_subdomain_in_triangulation_3_to_vtk.h | |
include/vol2mesh/include.h | |
include/vol2mesh/vol2mesh.h | |
include/vol2mesh/vol2mesh_mesh_criteria.h | |
source/common/file_parts/file_parts.cpp | Source code for FileParts class |
source/common/user_options/user_options.cpp | Source code for the UserOptions class |
source/fem/common/eq_base.cpp | Source code for the EqBase class |
source/fem/common/eq_boundary_base.cpp | |
source/fem/common/eq_core.cpp | Source code for the EqCore class |
source/fem/common/eq_data_base.cpp | Source code for the EqDataBase class |
source/fem/common/eq_variable_linker.cpp | Source code for the EqVariableLinker class |
source/fem/common/my_analytic_function.cpp | Source code for the MyAnalyticFunction class |
source/fem/common/my_mesh.cpp | Custom mesh features developed for libMesh Mesh class |
source/fem/heat_eq/heat_eq_boundary.cpp | |
source/fem/volume_average/energy_eq.cpp | Source code for the volume averaging EnergyEq class |
source/fem/volume_average/eq_data.cpp | Source code for a class that stores volume average nodal data |
source/fem/volume_average/momentum_eq.cpp | Source file for the volume averaging MomentumEq class |
source/vol2mesh/v2m.cpp | |
source/vol2mesh/vol2mesh.cpp | |
source/vol2mesh/vol2mesh_mesh_criteria.cpp |