NSF Postdoctoral Research
A set of C++ code developed by Andrew E. Slaughter
SlaughterFEM::EnergyEq | A class for solving the volume averaged energy equation with libMesh |
SlaughterFEM::EqBase< Type, TypeBoundaryBase > | A template base class for using libmesh to solve equations |
SlaughterFEM::EqBoundaryBase | A base class for equation boundary conditions for integration with EqBase class |
SlaughterFEM::EqCore< Type > | A class containing methods for accessing libMesh::Systems This class is meant to be a inherited from other classes; hence, the constructors are all protected |
SlaughterFEM::EqDataBase | A base class including nodal data |
SlaughterFEM::EqVariableLinker< Type > | A generic class to link system variables between classes |
SlaughterCommon::FileParts | A class for simple file name handling |
SlaughterFEM::HeatEq | A class for solving the heat equation with libMesh |
SlaughterFEM::HeatEqBoundaryBase | A base class for heat equation boundary conditions |
SlaughterFEM::HeatEqBoundaryConvection | A class for convection boundary conditions |
SlaughterFEM::HeatEqBoundaryDirichlet | A class for dirichlet boundary conditions |
SlaughterFEM::HeatEqBoundaryNeumann | A class for flux boundary conditions |
SlaughterFEM::MomentumEq | A class for solving the volume averaged momentum equation with libMesh |
SlaughterFEM::MyAnalyticFunction< Output > | A class for using boost::functions with libmesh |
SlaughterFEM::MyMesh | Adds additional boundary identification behavior to libMesh::Mesh class |
SlaughterVol2mesh::odt_lloyd_settings | A container for storing CGAL Lloyd and Odt optimization settings |
SlaughterVol2mesh::perturb_exude_settings | A class for containing CGAL Perturb and Exude optimization settings |
SlaughterCommon::UserOptions | A class for handling command line specified options |
SlaughterVol2mesh::Vol2mesh | A class for generating a 3D mesh from 2D image slices. This class acts as a wrapper to the CGAL, VTK, and ImageMagick++ libraries to read, build, and export tetrahedral meshes from a pixel image. The class is used by the v2m executable (Image Mesh Generation: v2m) and supports many of the features demonstrated in the CGAL documentation |
SlaughterVol2mesh::Vol2meshMeshCriteria | A class for storing and accessing mesh criteria data for the Vol2mesh class. The Vol2mesh class relies on instances of this class to store and retrieve the CGAL meshing criteria. Details of these critiera are provided in the CGAL documentation (see link below). There are five criteria, these terms are provided here in order: |
SlaughterFEM::VolumeAverageEqData | A class for solving the volume averaged momentum equation with libMesh |