NSF Postdoctoral Research
A set of C++ code developed by Andrew E. Slaughter

A test function for multiple variable nodal data with libmesh

This example demonstrates a number of methods that can be used to use the libMesh::EquationSystems to create data at the nodal level.

The demo function demonstrates a limitation of libmesh to handle both temporal and spatially changing nodal data with multiple variables. It also presents a solution using the MyAnalyticFunction class that is based on boost::function. A wrapper class is also presented that is under development.

// Boost includes
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp> 
#include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>
// My includes 
#include "fem/include.h"
using namespace SlaughterFEM;
// Standard library includes  
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
using std::string;

// libMesh includes
#include "libmesh.h"
#include "mesh.h"
#include "mesh_generation.h"
#include "equation_systems.h"
#include "transient_system.h"
#include "explicit_system.h"
#include "analytic_function.h"
#include "exodusII_io.h"

// Bring in everything from the libMesh namespace
using namespace libMesh;

// A class for demonstrating the use and inheritance of the EqDataBase class
class HeatEqData : public EqDataBase{
      HeatEqData(EquationSystems& sys) : EqDataBase(sys, "heat_eq_data"){
         add_variable("k");      // add conductivity
         add_variable("cp");     // add specific heat
         get_system().init(); // initilize the data storage system
      Number k(const Point& p, const Real t){
         return 1 + exp(-t) * sin(pi()*p(0)) * sin(pi()*p(1));

      Number cp(const Point& p, const Real t){
         return 10 + exp(-t) * sin(pi()*p(0)) * sin(pi()*p(1));

      double pi(){
         return boost::math::constants::pi<double>();

      void value(DenseVector<Number>& output, const Point& p, const Real){
         // Gather the time from the system
         Real t = get_system().time;
         // Return the values of k and cp
         output(0) = k(p,t);
         output(1) = cp(p,t);

// A function for space dependent conductivity; time is ignored by libmesh
void func1(DenseVector<Number>& output, const Point& p, const Real t){
   // Display the time, it does not get updated (only show at 0,0)
   if(p(0) == 0 && p(1) == 0){
      printf("\nTime = %f\n", t);
   // Define pi
   const double pi = boost::math::constants::pi<double>(); 
   // Update the output vector
   output(0) = 1 + exp(-t) * sin(pi*p(0)) * sin(pi*p(1));
   output(1) = 10 + exp(-t) * sin(pi*p(0)) * sin(pi*p(1));

// A function for initializing thermal conductivity (boost::function method)
#include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp>
void func2(DenseVector<Number>& output, const Point& p, const Real, const Parameters& parameters){
   // Extract the time  
   Real t = parameters.get<Real>("time");

   // Display the time, this method works (only show at 0,0)
   if(p(0) == 0 && p(1) == 0){
      printf("\nTime = %f\n", t);
   // Define pi
   const double pi = boost::math::constants::pi<double>(); 

   // Update the output vector
   output(0) = 1 + exp(-t) * sin(pi*p(0)) * sin(pi*p(1));
   output(1) = 10 + exp(-t) * sin(pi*p(0)) * sin(pi*p(1));

// The main function
int main (int argc, char** argv){

   // Initialize libraries
    LibMeshInit init (argc, argv);
   // Generate a mesh
   Mesh mesh;
   MeshTools::Generation::build_square(mesh, 10, 10, 0., 1, 0., 1, QUAD8);
   // Create an equation system
   EquationSystems eq_sys(mesh);

// METHOD 1: 
// The libmesh way, which seems to not allow multiple variables to 
// update with time. Example 9 does what is required with a wrapper 
// function, but a wrapper function with a vector output is not accepted
// in the project_solution member.
// Thus, this first example allows to project multiple variables but 
// can not use time as an input.

   // Create a system and add two variables
   eq_sys.get_system("data").add_variable("k", SECOND, MONOMIAL);
   eq_sys.get_system("data").add_variable("cp", SECOND, MONOMIAL);
   // Update the system time, this is not used and included here 
   // for demonstration purposes
   eq_sys.get_system("data").time = 1; 

   // Initilize the equation system storing the data
   // Create a AnalyticFuction and use this to project the solution
   AnalyticFunction<Number> fobj1(func1);
   // Export the solution
   ExodusII_IO(mesh).write_equation_systems("example3_1.ex2", eq_sys);

// METHOD 2: 
// This method utilizes MyAnalyticFunction to bind the EquationSystem
// parameters to the function pointer. This then allows for additional
// variables to be passed to the function in similar fashion to the 
// wrapper function in Example 9. Of course, anything could be bound
// using the boost::bind. Thus, this method is infinitaly expandable and
// support multiple variables.

   // Clear the system

   // Add two variables
   eq_sys.get_system("data").add_variable("k", SECOND, MONOMIAL);
   eq_sys.get_system("data").add_variable("cp", SECOND, MONOMIAL);
   // Set the time and intilize the system
   eq_sys.parameters.set<Real>("time") = 1;

   // Generate the boost::function pointers
   boost::function< void (DenseVector<Number>&, const Point&, const Real, const Parameters&)> fptr_full;
   boost::function< void (DenseVector<Number>&, const Point&, const Real)> fptr_shrt;
   // Link function to the full pointer
   fptr_full = func2;

   // Bind the parameters
   fptr_shrt = boost::bind(fptr_full, _1, _2, _3, eq_sys.parameters);

   // Create a MyAnalyticFuction and use this to project the solution
   MyAnalyticFunction<Number> fobj2(fptr_shrt);
   ExodusII_IO(mesh).write_equation_systems("example3_2.ex2", eq_sys);
// METHOD 3:
// A wrapper class that is still under development 
   // Clear the system
   // Create the data class
   HeatEqData data(eq_sys);
   // Project the solution at time t
   // Output the solution to file
   ExodusII_IO(mesh).write_equation_systems("example3_3.ex2", eq_sys);

   return 0;
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