NSF Postdoctoral Research
A set of C++ code developed by Andrew E. Slaughter
A test function for testing the HeatEq class.
This class implements Example 8-1 from Bhatti (2005; p. 552). Run the program with the --help
flag for a complete list of run-time options.
// Standard library includes #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <functional> // BOOST includes #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> #include <boost/function.hpp> #include <boost/ref.hpp> #include <boost/bind.hpp> // Include my fem library #include "fem/include.h" using namespace SlaughterFEM; // Include my common library #include "common/include.h" using namespace SlaughterCommon; // libMesh: input/output #include "exodusII_io.h" #include "vtk_io.h" #include "gmv_io.h" // libMesh:: mesh creation #include "mesh_generation.h" #include "mesh.h" #include "mesh_triangle_interface.h" #include "mesh_generation.h" #include "elem.h" #include "mesh_tetgen_interface.h" #include "node.h" #include "face_tri3.h" #include "mesh_triangle_holes.h" // Bring in everything from the libMesh namespace using namespace libMesh; // C++ Includes #include <math.h> #include <boost/math/constants/constants.hpp> // Short-hand for boundary conditions typedef boost::shared_ptr<HeatEqBoundaryDirichlet> pDirichlet; typedef boost::shared_ptr<HeatEqBoundaryNeumann> pNeumann; typedef boost::shared_ptr<HeatEqBoundaryConvection> pConvection; // My boundary condition function void dirichlet_function(DenseVector<Number>& output, const Point&, const Real){ output(0) = 300; } // Wrapper function for exact solution, used for initilization Number initial_function(const Point&, const Parameters&, const std::string&, const std::string&){ return 50; } // Function prototype for gathering command-line options with UserOptions UserOptions gather_command_line(int argc, char** argv); // Begin main function int main (int argc, char** argv){ //PerfLog P("Example 2 Program"); //P.push("init","Program Initilization"); // Gather command-line options UserOptions user = gather_command_line(argc, argv); // Initialize libraries LibMeshInit init (argc, argv); // Initilize the mesh and order variables MyMesh mesh; Order order; // Patch test (Bhatti Example 8-1) if(user.get_flag("patch")){ GMVIO(mesh).read("../data/fem/examples/input/example2.gmv"); mesh.all_first_order(); order = FIRST; // 2-D box } else if (user.get_flag("2D")){ MeshTools::Generation::build_square(mesh, 10, 10, 0., 0.04, 0., 0.04, TRI6); mesh.all_second_order(); order = SECOND; // 3-D box } else if (user.get_flag("3D")){ MeshTools::Generation::build_cube(mesh, 10, 10, 10, 0., 0.04, 0., 0.04, 0., 0.04, TET10); mesh.all_second_order(); order = SECOND; // Multi-element implementation of Bhatti Exmample 8-1 } else { mesh.set_mesh_dimension(2); mesh.add_point(Point(0,0)); mesh.add_point(Point(0.02,0)); mesh.add_point(Point(0.02,0.04)); mesh.add_point(Point(0,0.02)); TriangleInterface t(mesh); t.desired_area() = 1e-4; t.triangulation_type() = TriangleInterface::PSLG; t.smooth_after_generating() = true; t.triangulate(); mesh.all_second_order(); order = SECOND; } // Create an equation system EquationSystems eq_sys(mesh); // Create a HeatEq class HeatEq eqObj(eq_sys, order); // Implement refinement if specified by the user if(user.get_flag("refine")){ eqObj.use_refinement(); eqObj.set_refinement_levels(user.get<double>("refine-fraction"), user.get<double>("coarsen-fraction"), user.get<int>("h-level")); } // Define the material constants eqObj.set_constant<Real>("k", user.get<Real>("conductivity")); eqObj.set_constant<Real>("rho", user.get<Real>("density")); eqObj.set_constant<Real>("cp", user.get<Real>("specific-heat")); // Link to the initialization function eqObj.add_initial_function(initial_function); // Add boundary IDs (this is some custom functionality that I added) mesh.find_neighbors(); mesh.boundary_info->clear(); mesh.add_boundary_id(0, "y", 0.0); // bottom mesh.add_boundary_id(1, "x", 0.02); // right mesh.add_boundary_id(2, "x", 0.0); // left mesh.add_boundary_id(3); // top // Convection boundary at bottom (user-specified) pConvection pC = eqObj.add_boundary<HeatEqBoundaryConvection>(0); pC->h_constant = user.get<Real>("h-coefficient"); pC->Tinf_constant = user.get<Real>("Tinf"); // Flux boundary at right-side (user-specified) pNeumann pN = eqObj.add_boundary<HeatEqBoundaryNeumann>(1); pN->q_constant = user.get<Real>("flux"); // Flux boundary at left-side (symetry; defaults to q = 0) eqObj.add_boundary<HeatEqBoundaryNeumann>(2); // Top constant temperature boundary pDirichlet pD = eqObj.add_boundary<HeatEqBoundaryDirichlet>(3); pD->fptr = dirichlet_function; // links the boundary function // Initialize system eqObj.init_equation_system(); // Define a general filename FileParts outfile("../data/fem/examples/output/example2.ex2"); // Export the initial mesh ExodusII_IO(mesh).write_equation_systems(outfile.add_tstep(0,3,"_"), eq_sys); // Define time stepping variables Real time = 0.; Real dt = user.get<Real>("dt"); //P.pop("init"); //P.push("soln", "Transient Solution"); // Begin the time loop int N = user.get<int>("num-steps"); int d = user.get<int>("output-div"); for (int t_step = 0; t_step < N; t_step++){ // Incremenet the time counter, set the time and the // time step size as parameters in the EquationSystem. time += dt; // Display a progress message printf("time = %f; step %d of %d\n", time, t_step, N); // Update the old solution vector eqObj.update_solution(time, dt); // Solve the system eqObj.solve(); // Output evey 10 timesteps to file. if ( (t_step+1)%d == 0){ std::string out = outfile.add_tstep(t_step+1,3,"_"); ExodusII_IO(mesh).write_equation_systems(out, eq_sys); } } //P.pop("soln"); // All done. return 0; } // A subfunction for defining and gathering command-line options UserOptions gather_command_line(int argc, char** argv){ // The general options and title UserOptions user("General Options"); user.add_title("Example 2: FEM solution of the heat equation\n"); user.add_flag("help","List the available options"); // Domain related options UserOptions type("Domain Options"); type.add_flag("patch", "Run as 2-element patch test as in Bhatti example 8-1"); type.add_flag("2D", "Run with a 2-D box domain"); type.add_flag("3D", "Run with a 3-D cube domain"); // Time integration related options UserOptions t_opt("Time Intergration Options"); t_opt.add_option<int>("num-steps,n", 300, "Number of time steps"); t_opt.add_option<Real>("dt",1,"Time step division (sec.)"); t_opt.add_option<int>("output-div,d", 10, "About the data after this many time steps"); // Mesh refinement options UserOptions r_opt("Mesh Refinement Options"); r_opt.add_flag("refine", "Utilize adaptive mesh refinement"); r_opt.add_option<double>("refine-fraction,r", 0.80, "Max. fraction of elements to refine"); r_opt.add_option<double>("coarsen-fraction,c", 0.07, "Max. fraction of elements to coarsen"); r_opt.add_option<int>("h-level,l", 5, "Max. allowed refinement steps for element"); // Material constant options UserOptions m_opt("Material Constants (defaults to Bhatti Example 8-1)"); m_opt.add_option<Real>("conductivity,k",3, "Thermal conductivity (W/(mK))"); m_opt.add_option<Real>("density,p", 1600, "Density (kg/m^3)"); m_opt.add_option<Real>("specific-heat,c", 800, "Specific heat capacity (J/(kgK))"); // Boundary condition options UserOptions b_opt("Boundary Options (defaults to Bhatti Example 8-1)"); b_opt.add_option<Real>("flux,q", 0, "Flux boundary value, right side (W/m^2)"); b_opt.add_option<Real>("h-coefficient,h", 200, "Convection heat transfer coefficient (W/m^2)"); b_opt.add_option<Real>("Tinf,i", 50, "Convection boundary layer temperature (C)"); b_opt.add_option<Real>("T-top,T", 300, "Top boundary temperature (disabled)"); // Link the groups together user.add(type).add(t_opt).add(r_opt).add(m_opt).add(b_opt); // Apply the command-line options user.apply_options(argc, argv); // Return the main class return user; }