NSF Postdoctoral Research
A set of C++ code developed by Andrew E. Slaughter
SlaughterCommon::UserOptions Class Reference

A class for handling command line specified options. More...

#include <common/user_options/user_options.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void show_hidden ()
 A method for showing all options.
 UserOptions (string message)
 Class constructor.
template<typename Type >
void add_option (string handle, string message)
 Function for adding a new command-line option, without a default.
template<typename Type >
void add_option (string handle, Type dvalue, string message)
 Function for adding a new command-line option, with a default.
template<typename Type >
void add_option (string handle, Type dvalue, string message, string dtext)
 Function for adding a new command-line option, with a default and default text.
template<typename Type >
void add_option (string handle, string message, int pos)
 Function for adding a new command-line option, without a default but with a positional argument.
template<typename Type >
void add_option (string handle, Type dvalue, string message, int pos)
 Function for adding a new command-line option, with a default and with a positional argument.
bool exist (string handle)
 Tests for the existance of an option.
template<typename Type >
Type get (string handle)
 Function for returning a command-line specified option.
void add_flag (string flag, string message)
 Function for adding a flag (no associated value) options.
bool get_flag (string flag)
 Function for testing if an flag was supplied on the command-line.
void apply_options (int argc, char *argv[])
 Function for collecting and applying command-line inputs.
UserOptionsadd (UserOptions &new_opt)
 A function for grouping UserOptions together.
void add_title (string str)
 Allows user to add title text that prints with --help.

Public Attributes

bool hidden
 A flag for hidding the options associated with this class.
opt::options_description opt_list
 Boost::program_options::options description class associated with this UserOptions instance.
opt::variables_map opt_map
 Boost::program_options::variables_map class associated with this UserOptions instance.

Detailed Description

A class for handling command line specified options.

This class is basically a wrapper for the Boost.Program_options library. As such, the syntax for this class was designed to be somewhat similar to the Boost libraries.

The example program detailed in Using the UserOptions Class has extensive documentation for this class including. The resulting executable allows the user to test the various features.

The functionality of the Boost.Program_options is not restrained in anyway. It is possible to work directly with the Boost classes and this class. The members opt_list and opt_map may be used as shown in the Boost documentation they represent the boost::program_options::options_description and boost::program_options::variables_map classes, respectively.

Special Behavior:
The option "config", if added, is automatically considered to contain the name of a configuration file that contains program options. This options must use the string type. The options in the coinfiguration file are always overwritten by those on the command line. The following code demonstrates this behavior.

 UserOptions opt("General Options");
 opt.add_option<string>("config", "default.cfg", "Configuration file name");

The options "help", if added with the add_flag function, will cause the program to automatically exit after displaying all of the available user options. See the documentation for add_flag for more details.

Grouping is accomplished using the add member function. Example code for creating groups are provided in the class documentation. It is possible to hide groups, just set the hidden attribute to false. Note, the master class (the one to which all the add commands are linked) will always display its options, only classes that are attached can be hidden.

fem/examples/example2.cpp, and test_user_options.cpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

UserOptions::UserOptions ( string  message)

Class constructor.

This constrcutor requires a single argument, the message that will be displayed when the command-line options are displayed on the screen.

messageA std::string containing the desired message.

  Example Syntax:

 UserOptions opt("Available options");

Member Function Documentation

A function for grouping UserOptions together.

It is possible to seperate user options into groups, as shown in the Boost.Program_options documentation. This can also be done with the UserOptions class in a similar fashion by creating several instances of the UserOptions class.

new_optThe instance of a UserOptions that should be added to the calling class, the class inputed here is considered then to be a slave class to the calling class. Slave classes have the following members are disabled:
  • apply_options
 UserOptions opt("General Options");
 opt.add_help("help,h", "Display the available options");
 opt.add_option<double>("angle,a", 35, "Interface angle");
 UserOptions opt2("Advanced Options");
 opt2.add_options<int>("advanced",0, "Use advanced options");
 opt.apply_options(argc, argv);
fem/examples/example2.cpp, and test_user_options.cpp.
void UserOptions::add_flag ( string  flag,
string  message 

Function for adding a flag (no associated value) options.

flagText to use for accessing help, e.g., "help,h"
messageassociated with the flag option

  Example Syntax:

 UserOptions opt("Available options");
 opt.add_help("help,h", "Show all available options.");

A flag does not contain any other input, just the command itself (e.g., --help or --verbose).

A true|false value is returned from the get_flag() function if the options is specified.

Note, "help" is a special case. When this options is given it automatically lists the various command-line options and stops execution of the program.

fem/examples/example2.cpp, and test_user_options.cpp.
template<typename Type >
void SlaughterCommon::UserOptions::add_option ( string  handle,
string  message 
) [inline]

Function for adding a new command-line option, without a default.

Template Parameters:
TypeThe type of variable desired, e.g., double
handleThe text reference to the added option, uses the same syntax as Boost
messageA description of the option

  Example Syntax:

 UserOptions opt("Available options");
 opt.add_option<double>("angle,a", 35, "Interface angle");
template<typename Type >
void SlaughterCommon::UserOptions::add_option ( string  handle,
Type  dvalue,
string  message 
) [inline]

Function for adding a new command-line option, with a default.

Template Parameters:
TypeThe type of variable desired, e.g., double
handleThe text reference to the added option, uses the same syntax as Boost
dvalueThe default value of the same Type
messageA description of the option

  Example Syntax:

 UserOptions opt("Available options");
 opt.add_option<double>("angle,a", 35, "Interface angle");
template<typename Type >
void SlaughterCommon::UserOptions::add_option ( string  handle,
Type  dvalue,
string  message,
string  dtext 
) [inline]

Function for adding a new command-line option, with a default and default text.

Template Parameters:
TypeThe type of variable desired, e.g., double
handleThe text reference to the added option, uses the same syntax as Boost
dvalueThe default value of the same Type
messageA description of the option
dtextA string containing the default text to display; useful when ouputing a vector

  Example Syntax:

 UserOptions opt("Available options");
 std::vector vec;
 opt.add_option<std::<double> >("angle,a", vec, "Interface angle", "[35,50]");
template<typename Type >
void SlaughterCommon::UserOptions::add_option ( string  handle,
string  message,
int  pos 
) [inline]

Function for adding a new command-line option, without a default but with a positional argument.

Template Parameters:
TypeThe type of variable desired, e.g., double
handleThe text reference to the added option, uses the same syntax as Boost
messageA description of the option
posPositional specification, refer to Boost.Program_options documentation for more information.

  Example Syntax:

 UserOptions opt("Available options");
 opt.add_option<string>("input,i", "Input file name", 1);
template<typename Type >
void SlaughterCommon::UserOptions::add_option ( string  handle,
Type  dvalue,
string  message,
int  pos 
) [inline]

Function for adding a new command-line option, with a default and with a positional argument.

Template Parameters:
TypeThe type of variable desired, e.g., double
handleThe text reference to the added option, uses the same syntax as Boost
dvalueThe default value of the same Type
messageA description of the option
posPositional specification, refer to Boost.Program_options documentation for more information.

  Example Syntax:

 UserOptions opt("Available options");
 opt.add_option<string>("input,i", "default.txt", "Input file name", 1);
void UserOptions::add_title ( string  str)

Allows user to add title text that prints with --help.

strA string contiaing the text to display.
 UserOptions opt("Available Options");
 opt.add_title("\nThis is my wonderful program.\n\nCopyright 2012\n");
 opt.add_flag("help","Display the available options");
 opt.add_option("input","The input file name");
 opt.apply_options(argc, argv);
fem/examples/example2.cpp, and test_user_options.cpp.
void UserOptions::apply_options ( int  argc,
char *  argv[] 

Function for collecting and applying command-line inputs.

This function should be the last to be called, as shown in the example.

argcNumber of command-line inputs, from main
argvCharacter array storing the inputs, from main

  Example Syntax:

 UserOptions opt("Available options");
 opt.add_option<string>("input,i", "default.txt", "Input file name", 1);
 opt.apply_options(argc, argv);
 std::string filename = opt.get<string>("input");
fem/examples/example2.cpp, and test_user_options.cpp.
bool UserOptions::exist ( string  handle)

Tests for the existance of an option.

Allows the user to test if an option contains a value, which may not be the case for an option that is specified without a default value.

template<typename Type >
Type SlaughterCommon::UserOptions::get ( string  handle) [inline]

Function for returning a command-line specified option.

This allows the users to extract the default value or the user specified value from the command line. Note, that the apply_options member function must be called prior to using this function.

Template Parameters:
TypeThe type of variable, e.g., double
handleThe text reference to the options, do not include the short-hand value.

  Example Syntax:

 UserOptions opt("Available options");
 opt.add_option<string>("input,i", "default.txt", "Input file name", 1);
 opt.apply_options(argc, argv);
 std::string filename = opt.get<string>("input");
fem/examples/example2.cpp, and test_user_options.cpp.
bool UserOptions::get_flag ( string  flag)

Function for testing if an flag was supplied on the command-line.

flagText to use for accessing flag value, e.g., "help"
fem/examples/example2.cpp, and test_user_options.cpp.

A method for showing all options.

This function exists to allow for a --advanced type flag that will display all the options. This must be called after the apply_option member is called.

See also:

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs