NSF Postdoctoral Research
A set of C++ code developed by Andrew E. Slaughter
SlaughterFEM Namespace Reference

FEM related code. More...


class  EqBase
 A template base class for using libmesh to solve equations. More...
class  EqBoundaryBase
 A base class for equation boundary conditions for integration with EqBase class. More...
class  EqCore
 A class containing methods for accessing libMesh::Systems This class is meant to be a inherited from other classes; hence, the constructors are all protected. More...
class  EqDataBase
 A base class including nodal data. More...
class  EqVariableLinker
 A generic class to link system variables between classes. More...
class  MyAnalyticFunction
 A class for using boost::functions with libmesh. More...
class  MyMesh
 Adds additional boundary identification behavior to libMesh::Mesh class. More...
class  HeatEq
 A class for solving the heat equation with libMesh. More...
class  HeatEqBoundaryBase
 A base class for heat equation boundary conditions. More...
class  HeatEqBoundaryDirichlet
 A class for dirichlet boundary conditions. More...
class  HeatEqBoundaryNeumann
 A class for flux boundary conditions. More...
class  HeatEqBoundaryConvection
 A class for convection boundary conditions. More...
class  EnergyEq
 A class for solving the volume averaged energy equation with libMesh. More...
class  VolumeAverageEqData
 A class for solving the volume averaged momentum equation with libMesh. More...
class  MomentumEq
 A class for solving the volume averaged momentum equation with libMesh. More...


typedef libMesh::Number(* eq_base_init_func_libmesh )(const Point &p, const Parameters &parameters, const std::string &sys_name, const std::string &unknown_name)
typedef libMesh::Number(* eq_base_init_func_boost )(DenseVector< Number > &, const Point &, const Real)

Detailed Description

FEM related code.

A namespace for my FEM related functions and classes

The FEM library contains tools that integrate with libMesh, which is the basis of the FEM code associated with the programs and classes listed in this documentation.

The FEM library includes functions and classes that use the libMesh finite element library. Theese functions are meant to make the use of the libMesh functions simple and expandable.

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